Welcome to CPATA.org

Caryn Flaherty


Caryn Flaherty graduated from SUNY Cortland with a Bachelors of Science in Education in Physical Education and a Minor in Athletic Training.  She then received a Masters of Science from the University of Pittsburgh in Exercise Science.

Caryn is employed by South Western School District as an Anatomy/ Physiology, Physical Education teacher and Head Athletic Trainer.  Over the past years, Caryn has worked to foster relationships with fellow ATCs, athletic directors, school administrators and physicians.  There is much to be gained with a good working relationship, knowledge of athletics and common goals.  She continues to use those valuable connections to better the working climate and move forward toward the common goals of the athletic training profession.

Caryn believes strongly in the profession of Athletic Training.  Certified Athletic Trainers possess critical knowledge and skills can benefit the community as a whole.  We have a responsibility to represent our profession well and in the process, make our community a better place.  We also have a responsibility to educate; athletes, parents, administration and society.  The CPATA organization is a foundation organization with a goal to maintain and promote communication with the local ATCs and other organizations that play a role in our daily activities.  Efforts to educate and unify the actions of local Certified Athletic Trainers will strengthen our profession as we continue to promote the health and wellness of our athletes.